Notable awards
This comprehensive, mostly-text tutorial that starts off with three sections that explain how a digital camera works, its automatic settings, and its more advanced manual settings. The last two sections provide helpful information on compositional techniques and how to edit your photos during post-processing.
The course also offers additional resources for extended learning on each topic. And with a couple of videos included, it’s an easy way to gain a much better understanding of cameras and imaging before finally venturing into the world of digital photography.
This filmmaking course covers all the creative aspects of planning, shooting, and editing an incredible video.
If you are a beginner, Youtuber, or filmmaker looking to successfully create awesome videos, then this course is made for you.
First video in free 10-part photography course. How I got to shoot for Australian Geographic Magazine, travel the world and sell wildlife photos and videos to Discovery and National Geographic channel etc. It’s just a bit about me, my background and what you’re in for over the next 9 videos. This is lecture #1 in my free 10-part photography course online to help you learn photography and take better photos! Enjoy, thumbs-up & subscribe!